Welcome to the mandarynki.eu wiki 👋 The public part of this wiki is accessible to everyone. Access to other parts of the wiki is limited to the users of mandarynki.eu (that is, people with an LDAP account) The format of this wiki has been straight up copied from [[https://wiki.hackerspace.pl/start|Warsaw Hackerspace]] - hopefully you'll forgive us ;-) ===== Public ===== * about - who are you? * [[en:about:czlonkowie|users]] - list of users * [[en:about:uslugi|services]] - list of public services that we're hosting :) * [[en:about:kontakt|contact]] - contact with the administrators * rules - rules, policies, and other documents regarding our services * [[en:rules:terms_of_service|terms of service]] ===== Public, but rather uninteresting ===== * docs - documentation of various tools * [[en:docs:dokuwiki_syntax|dokuwiki_syntax]] - the syntax used on this wiki ===== Private ===== You won't be able to read those articles without logging in. You can login with your LDAP credentials. If no one has created an account for you, you lost your login/password, or if you need help in general - feel free to [[en:about:kontakt|contact the admins]] * about * [[private_about:uslugi|services]] - services (not mentioned [[en:about:uslugi|here]]), to which the access is limited * [[private_about:konta|accounts]] - list of accounts in various external services (e.g. DeepL)